NBIB Tulip festival 2021
This year we celebrate our Tenth Tulip Festival. Once again, we have a beautiful leaflet designed by Rosie Oberlander which tells the story of tulips and describes the 15 different tulip varieties. In November we planted 44 varieties of bulbs in the Station, High Street and Quality Street amongst other sites around the town. We are grateful to our colleagues from East Lothian council amenities services who have planted up the war memorial and the display beds in the lodge.
The tulip leaflet shows a map of the town with walks marked out which will take you around the town and show you all the different varieties. There are early tulips, double tulips, parrot tulips and late varieties as well as dwarf tulips in the rockery in the lodge and lots of others planted in gardens all over the town. Last year we had to have a virtual festival as we had just entered lockdown, and once again a year later we still cannot do many of our normal activities such as our Tulip Tea. Nevertheless, we hope that you will be able to appreciate all the different colours and displays and enjoy the show. Above all we hope that the flowers will lift your spirits in this difficult time and bring interest to your walks.
You can copy the leaflet to your phone to find out more about the tulips while you walk around the town to see them.

Click on the leaflets to expand

We will be posting regular pictures on facebook, twitter and instagram, so please 'follow' us and 'like' us and tell all your friends about us. For those of you who cant get outside at the moment, we hope that you enjoy the pictures of these amazing flowers (click on this link to take you to a dedicated page). We know its not the same as going on the walks yourselves but we will do some video tours so that you can enjoy the colours and look forward to the time when the pandemic is over and you can once again enjoy all the beauty of nature in North Berwick.